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Star Wars Trivia Night
The Sycamore at Mallow Run 7070 W Whiteland Road, BargersvilleFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th May the Force be with you! Test your Star Wars knowledge with your padawans at The Sycamore at Mallow Run! Join us in a classic trivia competition for you and your friends with the chance to win 1 of 3 fantastic prizes! Doors open at 5:30pm | Trivia begins at 7:00pm |...
Franciscan Health Foundation Party with a Purpose
Mallow Run Winery 6964 West Whiteland Road, BargersvilleFRIDAY, September 13th, 2024 6-9pm Experience iconic Nashville performers on the lawn at Mallow Run Winery! Event proceeds benefit Franciscan Health Foundation's Employee Wellbeing Fund and will provide resources for...